Xeno 3.6v Lithium C Battery LS 26500 - $14.99 each - The lowest price we've seen ANYWHERE! And remember, $4.99 ships your entire order
Same As: LS26500,LS26500C,TL-4920,TL-5920,TL-2200,SB-C01,SB-C02,SL-770,XL-140F,XL-145F
Main applications
_ Utility metering _ Automatic meter readers _ Buoys _ Measuring equipment _ Industrial applications _ Professional electronics
BATTERY CHARACTERISTICS LS 26500 3.6v Lithium C Battery Open Circuit Voltage - 3.67 V Nominal Voltage - 3.6 V Nominal capacity - (drain) 7.7 Ah (5 mA) Max. recom. cont. current - 150 mA Operating temp. range - (-)60/+85°C* Outside diameter max - 26.0 mm Length max - 49.1 to 50.4 mm** Weight - 48 g Transport - Non restricted
Operating voltage > 3 Volt
Unrivaled nominal capacities (LS, LST)
Ability to operate from -60 to +85°C
Non-flammable electrolyte
Cells non-pressurized at room temperature
Hermeticity guaranteed up to 110°C
"C" cell versions yield longer service lives at low currents and higher transient minimum voltage during pulsing at T not exceeding 40°C